New Visitors Please join us on Sundays at 8:30am or 10am or watch the service on the links on the Home page. Please note: On the second Sunday of each month these two services combine into one 9:30am service held in the Fellowship Hall.The schedule for the services is on the Home page. Here's what to expect when you visit us at Zion Lutheran on LBI. Worship Services - We have a seasonal worship service schedule. In the wintertime we hold one worship service on Sunday morning. As the spring and summer approach we begin a multi-service schedule for Sunday morning. This multi-service schedule continues into the fall season and then we change to our winter schedule of one Sunday worship service. Times of the current services are posted on the left side of each page of this website. Welcome - When you join us for services you will be welcomed by our greeters as you enter the Fellowship Hall (8:30am service) or narthex (10am service). You will receive a pamphlet that will guide you through the entire service. Our greeters will assist you in getting seated if necessary. Communion - Our 10am worship service each Sunday is a full communion liturgy. All are welcome to participate in communion at Zion. The congregation is invited to kneel at the altar to receive the sacrament. For purposes of health and safety we will be using individual plastic wine or grape juice containers for each person. Pastor will place a wafer, or host, into your hand (you may request a gluten free wafer) after which the Alter assistant will offer a plate containing both wine or juice in small plastic glasses that you will take yourself. After you have communed you will dispose of the plastic wine glass in a basket as you leave the altar. Following this, one may make the sign of the cross (if you choose to) and return to your places in the congregation. Children and Youth - Children and youth will participate in the general 10am worship service for a short time until after the readings of God's Holy Word. Pastor will give a Youth Message and then dismiss them to the fellowship hall for Sunday School or Confirmation Classes. The youth will join the worship service for a short time during communion to receive communion or a blessing and then return to the Sunday School until the end of the service. Coffee Hour - On the second Sunday of each month the congregation is invited to join together in the fellowship hall after the Second Sunday joint service at 9:30 am for coffee and goodies compliments of our Ladies Guild. All visitors are especially welcome to join us here. We'd love to get to know you! Handicap Information - We have a recently built ramp to the front door of the church for the handicap persons. A church member will assist you in entering the nave from there. Call ahead of time and we will be watching for you! Directions - You will find directions on our DIRECTIONS page. |